
Can Apps Help You Manage It?



PM&R: “Consumer Mobile Health Apps: Current State, Barriers, and Future Directions.”

Shiraz Khaiser, MD, gastroenterologist, Illinois Gastroenterology Institute, Peoria, Ill.

JMIR MmHealth and uHealth: “Mobile Phone Apps for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Self-Management: A Systematic Assessment of Content and Tools.”

Sage Journals: “Use of mobile health applications for health-promoting behavior among individuals with chronic medical condition.”

Mayo Clinic: “Can chronic stress cause depression?”

Journal of Psychosomatic Research: “Depression and anxiety in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A systematic review.”

SonarMD: “Stop costly, unnoticed IBD flare-ups before they start,” “Patient Frequently Asked Questions.”

Google Play: My IBD Manager from AGA; Gut Health Storylines; “My IBD Care.”

Self Care Catalysts: “IBD (Gut) Health Storylines Developed by Self Care Catalysts, Named #1 Smartphone App for IBD Disease Management.”


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