
WebMD’s John Whyte’s New Book Shows How to Limit Cancer Risk


Hearing your doctor say, “You have cancer,” is a moment no one could forget.

But what if there was a way to help those words from ever being said to you?

Some people will never escape a cancer diagnosis, it was written into their genes since birth. But for many, there are steps we can take to help make cancer less and less of a threat.

That’s the topic of the new book, Take Control of Your Cancer Risk, by John Whyte, MD, chief medical officer at WebMD.

The book, available in hardcover on Oct. 5, explores one of the biggest myths regarding cancer: That it’s mostly genetic, -meaning that you have no control over whether you get it. Whyte explains how genetics do impact cancer risk, but shows that the truth is lifestyle and environment play the major role.

Take Control, which will be available nationwide at all major bookstores and online, discusses how you can assess your own cancer risk, know the screenings you need to get and when you need to get them and understanding how food, exercise and sleep impact your health.

“You have the power to reduce your cancer risk, and this book will show you just how easy it is,” Whyte says.

WebMD Health News

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