
What Are the Different Parenting Styles?



Jephtha Tausig, PhD, clinical psychologist; clinical supervisor, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY.

Jenny Yip, PhD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, USC Keck School of Medicine; founder, Little Thinkers Center, Los Angeles.

Child Development: “Effects of Authoritative Parental Control on Child Behavior.”

Frontiers in Psychology: “Parenting Styles and Parent–Adolescent Relationships: The Mediating Roles of Behavioral Autonomy and Parental Authority.” November 2018.

American Psychological Association ACT Raising Safe Kids Program: “Parenting Styles.”

Harvard Health Publishing: “Helicopter Parenting: When Too Much Help Is No Help.”

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center: “Persistence & Retention: 2019.” “What Does Free-Range Parenting Really Mean?”

AskDrSears: “Attachment Parenting.”

Attachment Parenting International: “Kids and Food, Kids and Sleep.”

Benson, J. Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Elsevier, 2020.


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