RV Newbies / Some exciting things are happening!
Top Secret Operation going down. Can’t wait to share with everyone!😊 We are blessed beyond. Stay safe out there everyone. #livingthegoodliferving #rving #fulltimerving #RVLiving #RV, #RVLivingFullTime #RVLife #RVNewbie #FullTimeRV #FullTimeRVLiving #RVTravel #RVLifestyle #RVNewbies #RVInfo #RVFamily #RVFun #RVAdventure #RVJourney #rvnewbiesyoutube #rvcouple #MadeWithRipl via ripl.com
2019 RV Newbie LIFE Begins ADVENTURE | Living The GoodLife Rving FIRST Youtube Video INTRO |
Hello and Welcome to our Channel we hope you are able to get inspired by our journey and live life to the fullest. Our journey begin
April 14 2014, our live change forever Will Suffered a Stroke that took his vision and memory and left us to figure out how to navigate our future. William became fully disable and I had to leave my 9 to 5 to become a full time caregiver. We lived 3 years in California with the rising cost of living but we survived as long as we could. We were giving the opportunity to pack everything we had up and move to Florida and live out the rest of our life with Will’s Mother.
We have been living in Florida for 3 years now but have found it to not be our speed. We love travel and have been inspired by other Youtubers that Rv to take a leap into Living and traveling in a RV. We are leaving the stick and bricks and heading back to California
to purchase a Rv and start a new adventure. While navigating with Will’s Disability and living our Dream.
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*This channel for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV or travel experts. We are not experts on anything. We share our opinions and what works for us, but you should always do your own research.
RV Living,RV,RV Living Full Time,RV Life,RV Newbie,Full Time RV,Full Time RV Living,RV Travel,RV Lifestyle,RV Newbies,RV Info,RV Family,RV Fun,RV Adventure,RV Journey,living in an rv,rv newbies youtube,rv newbie tips,rv couple,rv advice,life on the road,rv full timers,full time rv traveler,full time rving,go rving,rving,rvliving,rv fulltime living,fulltimerv,living the good life,Living the GoodLife Rving,Living The GoodLife Travel Agency