Towing an RV: What’s the Right Speed to Tow??
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How fast is too fast to tow? This is a topic we’ve wanted to cover for a long time—perhaps because we frequently get passed by all sorts of RVs like we’re going backward! Anything and everything seems to pass us, from massive Class As to SUVs towing single-axle trailers. Which begs the question: is there a right speed to tow? To answer this question, we reached out to three RV experts, including JD from Big Truck Big RV, Kenny from Airstream Trippin’, and Eric from TechnoRV. Each of these experienced RVers provided their own thoughts and opinions on the need for speed in all kinds of RVs, from towable travel trailers and 5th wheels to motorized RVs.
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I tow with a f150 5.0, 24 foot TT so under towing capacity by around 2000 lbs. I like around 57 to 62 mph. Get very good milage as long as there is no head wind. Wind is my enemy. I feel safer at the lower speeds
Isn't it illegal to go faster than 55 MPH when towing?
How did the upgrades hold up with the death wobble?
I drive the speed that causes everyone to pass and not have to weave in and out. But no faster than 62.
I tow our 30' Arctic Fox TT at never more than 60 mph. I'm comfortable at that speed. After 35 years as a 'big truck' driver, I'm used to being passed – all day long so watching everyone else blow by me is no big deal. 🤣
I’m a 65 max kinda guy! I notice that when I get over 65 my gas mileage decreases a lot! I only pull bumper pulls and have had as small as 20’ (currently) up to 32’. Also I’m not a fan of using cruise control almost at all, as it takes away my control ability. Thank you for your videos, I really enjoy watching your different aspects on things!
My wife and I have a Ram2500 6.4 hemi. We pull a 27ft FR Surveyor. We have done a good bit of traveling with this set up. I usually run the speed limit or 5 under. If I were to go out west where the speed limit is higher, I would keep it around 65 or 70. That is where I'm comfortable at. Great subject. Hope y'all have safe travels. If y'all find yourselves around north of Charlotte, NC and want a safe place to stay, y'all are welcome to stay at our family farm. Take care.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. I really enjoyed this video; I've towed on and off for over ten years but am now pulling a fifth wheel for the first time. Speed rating is 75 on my tires and the folks you called here pointed out everything I've observed as well. I've pushed it to 75 a few times to pass and realized that I simply don't like it at all. I like the 67 Max idea from the first caller and will be what I stick with now. It leaves that cushion for when passing needs to happen, but overall it's safe and maintains both the speed and braking cushion.
California towing speed limit is 55.
I’m just getting ready for my annual road trip from South Carolina to Wyoming, Montana, & the Dakotas. Last year I rode my motorcycle but this will be my first year pulling my new toy hauler. I appreciate the practical advice that comes from thousands of miles of experience. I’ll take it to heart and keep my speed below 70 mph.
Thanks 🙏
I agree with my fellow Texan, JD. I also pull our TT at 65 to 67 mph.
These informative videos you have been doing in the last couple months are fabulous AND I so needed them!
We tow a "little" TT, less than 30ft. I don't drive much over 60, occasionally 65. Once in a blue moon I've been up around 70+/– to pass someone. & if we're in a state that's got bad roads (parts of I-40 W of between Flagstaff & CA or going through parts of northern AL & MS interstates, as examples, I might go slower. Or if I'm off the beaten path on 2 lane roads, I might go as slow as 50 or 55. I'm like JD, except my speed isn't driven by what I tow but by road conditions. I just drive according to what feels safest along with road, weather, & traffic conditions.
As a new travel trailer owner. I've been finding my nights consumed watching Keep Your Daydream. Many tips you would think, yeah I knew this but never gave it a second thought. But to truly have that back of mind voice going you know what, listen up to what their saying, really does put everything in a new perspective. Thank you KYD and plz don't stop with the amazing videos!
The F250 Diesel w/ an Airstream 27 ft works great. We tow in tow mode when I remember to set it 😉 but have had no problems at any time. Regarding speed, we typically tow around 5 miles below the speed limit and will push out of that depending the situation to possible 70 to pass but not stay there long. With the Airstream we gauge a lot based on road conditions, etc… If the bathroom mirror is up, we either had terrible road conditions and/or too much speed!!! 🤔
I towed my trailer (34ft pull behind) for the first time last weekend. It felt like I could've gone a lot faster, but I felt comfortable at 60-65. And I'll normally drive when not towing 70-80.
When I am behind any RV, it is way too slow.
29 years with a CDL, and I think 65-67 is good for a 5th wheel. But that is very dependent on the truck you have. I was a hard 63-65 with my ecoboost and my smaller 5th wheel. Now I have an F350 dually, and I'm maxing out just under 17klb. So I'm OK with 67, but not through West Virginia or some other twisted road. If the road is straight enough, I use cruise control all the time. It stops me from losing focus on my speed. Nice video, enjoyed it.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, I learned it during cqc training, close quarters combat.
I try to keep it between 60-65. Trailer tire says 80 is top speed. My guess is if I keep my speed low less tire problems,and my stopping distance is less.
At 10 mpg with a traver trailer i much leave early and not overtax engine/power train/heat stress head/ side wind not to exceed 60 mph.
Anti lock brakes on trailers are a game changer. Pretty soon the market will demand that all units have any lock brakes. Right now Grand Design is the only marque with this fantastic safety feature.
Love all your videos. Just wondering after having all these different set ups is the Airstream your first choice?
Enjoyed the video. You need to give a small history, geography lesson to the one that spoke about 80 mph on Interstate 90 in North Dakota. 90 runs through South Dakota.
I do 5 mph under the speed limit on interstates so I don’t have to deal with passing people. Just get in the slow lane and set the cruise low. They can all go around me.
That was our saying when we were in Iraq. We would always put the slowest Vehicle in the front and then drove as fast as the slowest Vehicle. But that was our saying when people questioned our speed. I used to tow a lot of different types of trailers and I always found towing at a slower speed is better than trying to go fast. You never knew what could or would Happen and at a slower speed you could react better. Thank you so much for this.
Thanks for another insightful video. I agree with being at a comfortable speed with a travel trailer and I travel at 58-62 most of the time. The truck is capable of much more speed, but as your interviewees stated, what is happening to the trailer. I have traveled from Maine to South Carolina and it amazes me on how fast some travel with a 5th wheel or travel trailer, often 70mph+ on I-95. As was stated "Arrive Alive" is a very good motto to stick with.
Thanks and safe travels to Florida,
Pay close attention to how the semis drive. Wide open low trafic faster, in the city or high traffic, slow, right lane, follow and minimal passing. And get at least a 3/4 truck for anything over 30'. The safety that this affords is huge.
Was watching this and totally agree with 65mph. I have over a million miles on the road as a truck driver. I never go over 65 but mainly do 58mph to get best fuel economy.
Wife and I were getting close to home a few months ago. We were taking an exit off I35 in North Texas to get onto I90. We were doing around 55 just before the exit. The car in front of me suddenly jerked over into the right lane and instantly exposed a little car that tried to make the exit and was hung up on the curb on the rear axe of their car. I had cars behind me and to the right of me lined up in rush hour traffic. I had to slam on the brakes without skidding and shut it down as fast as I could as my wife was saying: "Oh my God we are going to hit them!!!!." The truck stopped the Airstream stayed behind us without going into the right lane without hitting them. I immediately told my wife if we hadn't have upgraded to our Dually truck a few months ago we would have ploughed right into them. I now understand that not having a heavy duty truck you are putting yourself and your family into an less safe setup. The heavy duty breaks make an amazing difference with our 30 foot Classic behind us. As everyone says all that is important is how fast you can stop.
You save about 40 minutes driving 400 miles at 75mph instead of 65mph.
40 minutes!
That’s not enough to justify the risk to others.
Slow down and enjoy the journey.
Love your channel. Great info and videography.