
How your phone will make you a better photographer with your camera

Most of us rely on our DSLR or mirrorless cameras for photoshoots. Some also take them on causal walks, while others rather rely on their phones or these casual shots. But instead of just using your phone to capture quick snapshots, you can use it to hone your skills. In this video from Adorama, Pye Jirsa talks about how taking photos with your phone can make you a better photographer with your camera.

Since the video is rather lengthy, there’s no point in retelling all of it. Pye takes you on a walk along the coast, photographing three different scenes. He shares some shooting and composition tips along the way, taking the same shots with both his phone and his camera.

In my opinion, this video is directed towards folks who rely on their gear too much. But most of all, I think that newbies will benefit from it. Most of us started photography with a smartphone or a modest point-and-shoot camera. In those early days, we may have desperately wanted to buy a proper camera, thinking that it would make our photos better.

However, Pye’s video reminds us of some very important truths. First, your gear doesn’t define your skill. Second, the better gear won’t make you a better photographer. There are some limitations to phone cameras, but limiting yourself to them will make you more creative and you’ll make the best out of what you have.

So, if you’re still new to photography and you only have a phone, don’t feel bad about it. The point is to develop your composition skills, learn the rules (and then break them), learn how to use the light, experiment with angles… And most of all, enjoy the process of shooting, learning, and even making mistakes.

[How Your Phone Will Make You a Better Photographer | Master Your Craft | Adorama]

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