
Video – Affinity Photo Tutorial – Cut The Crowds

This is a supplement to the article in issue 173 of Professional Photo

Every photographer knows the frustration of visiting a popular location and not being able to shoot an unobstructed scene, but Affinity Photo allows you to have the place to yourself.

PICTURE THE SCENE; you’ve travelled to a bucket list location to shoot some stunning imagery that you’ll then upload onto stock sites and hopefully make some cash from. One small problem; you’re not alone. In fact when you arrive the scene is packed with tourists and other photographers, all of whom appear to be making it their mission to get themselves into your pictures.
However, don’t pack up and go home just yet, because there’s a very easy way to make it look like you were the only person there and it’s all thanks to Affinity Photo’s Object Stack feature. All you have to do is lock off the camera on a tripod, shoot multiple frames and when you return home you can load up your images and follow this technique to erase any excess traffic or crowds from your scene. Even better, the whole technique takes less than one minute – yes, it really is that simple!

To make your life a little easier, place all the images you’d like to merge together into one folder before starting the technique. So, let’s get started and learn how to save your stock shots and make some money in the video above….

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