
Biden Says He’ll Use Constitutional Means to ‘Make Sure’ Trump Will ‘Not Take Power’ in 2024

President Biden made a startling suggestion that he would use “legitimate” Constitutional methods to assure Donald Trump “will not take power” if he wins the election in 2024.

Biden’s comments came during a victory lap press conference following the midterms, prompted by a reporter asking how Biden might convey to other world leaders “that the former President will not return.”

“How do you reassure [world leaders] 
 that the former President will not return or that his political movement, which is still very strong, will not once again take power in the United States?” the reporter asked.

Before moving any further
 think about that question and why a reporter asked it. This is not normal behavior in a free country.

OK, now that you’ve had a moment to think on it – Biden laughed at the notion that Trump’s political movement remains strong.

“Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run,” he would reply. “I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again.”

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Biden: Trump Won’t Take Power in 2024

It’s unclear what ‘legitimate’ Constitutional efforts could be undertaken by Biden to prevent Trump from taking power in 2024 other than simply running for re-election –  a prospect made more likely after Republicans’ lackluster showing in the midterms.

Biden celebrated the election results, noting, “While the press and the pundits [were] predicting a giant red wave, it didn’t happen.”  

He insisted “Democrats had a strong night,” despite the fact that the GOP will most likely ultimately regain power in the House, and they still have a chance of doing so in the Senate.

Former President Donald Trump has teased a big announcement this coming Tuesday, with speculation being that it will involve announcing his presidential campaign in 2024.

At the press conference, a newly confident Biden suggested he would be running again as well.

When a reporter explained that two-thirds of Americans in exit polls indicate they do not want to see Biden run in 2024, the President responded: “Watch me.”

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Has Said He’d Use Military to Get Trump out of White House

Biden’s latest comments are reminiscent of those he made in the midst of the 2020 presidential election, suggesting the military could be used to escort Trump out of the White House.

“I promise, I am absolutely convinced they [the military] will escort him from the White House with great dispatch,” said Biden when it was suggested Trump might not voluntarily leave.

Interestingly enough, the then-candidate for President also insisted Trump was going to try to “steal this election.”

Following the 2020 election, a Biden campaign spokesperson threatened “the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

When asked what he intended to do differently in the next two years of his presidency to reassure the 75 percent of American voters who think the country is headed in the wrong direction Biden replied, “Nothing.”

“They’re just finding out what we’re doing,” Biden said. “The more they know about what we’re doing, the more support there is.”

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