Have Conservatives Been Betrayed By Latest Decisions By Supreme Court
We now know that Justice Brett Kavanaugh is not enough. Judge Clarence Thomas is getting old, and Chief Justice John Roberts has gone over to the dark side. What will he give up to get that sixth vote?
We need two or three more.
The shameful truth about Roberts is this: He always envied Justice Kennedy’s “power” of being the so-called Swing Vote, with both liberals and conservatives seeking his deciding vote. Roberts has now crowned himself the new swing vote, power broker–a narcissistic, petty move for self-importance. Sad, but true.
Unreal. Justice Roberts just voted with the four liberals on an abortion case because of stare decisis… The precedent he’s upholding is from a case just four years ago, that he dissented on. If he thought the Court got it wrong four years ago, today was his chance to correct it
— Ryan T. Anderson (@RyanTAnd) June 29, 2020
Roberts has destroyed any credibility the Court may have had. He’s a disgrace.https://t.co/h1UglAODkV
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) June 29, 2020
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In the meantime, we should be grateful that the Democrats and their allies have FINALLY shown the entire world just how evil and power-mad they are.
Democrats and other swamp dwellers have been able to get away with their lying charades for so long that they never thought anyone would call them on it. President Trump is not one of those rollover Republicans, however. He didn’t resign – he fought back. They still haven’t figured out what to do about him.
I think we need to go to one eight-year term for presidents. The desire to get that second four years through the process of an election is not good for The People.
Along with the one eight-year term for the President, I would change that a member of Congress can only serve 12 total years as a Senator or Representative or a combination thereof. I would change the House term to a four-year term instead of two. I see it as a way to curb what has become a multi-billion dollar business of elections.
I think it would take the constant need to campaign and raise money out of the equation. How many times have we read or heard that nothing could get done because it’s an election year? Then again, nothing getting done by congress is usually a good thing for we the taxpayers.
There’s too much funny money flowing through DC. I am not trying to start a conspiracy that the Supreme Court is being bought; however, we need to ban all corporations and foreign lobbying and special interest groups/NGOs—period.
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Enforce a zero gift/favor policy for any congressperson or their family, punishable with mandatory ten years in prison. No exceptions, no deals for pleading guilty of a lesser crime.
No exaggeration: Special interest groups and mega lobbyists own our Congress and others, and it seems our lawmakers are slaves because of the favors they’ve already accepted, and their desire for more.
Many think that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has been compromised with his decisions which do not flow along with a constitutional or conservative.
There is another significant point here that needs to be addressed; The Constitution was not written for lawyers.
The Constitution was written to enshrine the ideals of liberty and justice. Not to provide lawyers a framework within to play with the rights of Americans. IT was intended to be a document that All men could understand. It has become an instrument of control by lawyers and politicians.
The meaning and intent of the document are apparent to those who read it. Why should the people be instructed to view rulings through the concept of “stare decisis,” where in past decisions are held up as the arbitrator of all things right. We have seen that concept fails in Brown v. Board and the idea of separate but equal. They got it wrong. Today we see that all the time.
There is a solution. Nowhere is it enshrined that justices of the Supreme court be attorneys or even versed in the law. We know what happens when you put an attorney in charge of understanding ANY written document. Want proof? Read the Terms of Service agreement to use Microsoft Windows.
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So what to do? The president should stop appointing justices who have legal backgrounds and approach everything as if it were a legal document. Appoint civilians who will read the Constitution for the plain words it engenders. Those words were intended to have meaning.
The legal profession has eroded that base of understanding for one that requires legions of lawyers.
Remember the admonition of Shakespeare, “First kill all the lawyers?” Let’s remove them from the process.