
Kayleigh McEnany Torches CNN’s Brian Stelter After He Fawns Over Biden Administration

Kayleigh McEnany, the former press secretary of Donald Trump, spoke out this week to slam CNN’s Brian Stelter after he fawned over Joe Biden’s administration.

McEnany Sounds Off

McEnany took issue with the fact that while interviewing Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki, Stelter didn’t ask about the controversial emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci that just came out.

”The fact that there is an entire press briefing that went by after Fauci’s emails came out and there was not one question about Dr. Fauci’s explosive emails until the next briefing when Fox News was in the room…. this is called investigative journalism,” she said, according to Daily Mail. “It’s called your job. The press doesn’t do it. Day after day after day. It is shameful.”

Stelter was accused of asking “softball” questions to Psaki, infamously asking her “What does the press get wrong when covering Biden’s agenda?”

Related: Kayleigh McEnany Nails Jen Psaki For Admitting She’s Told Biden To Avoid Questions – ‘Broadcasting WH Strategy’

McEnany Doubles Down

McEnany was sickened when she saw the interview.

“Brian Stelter is a leftist lapdog and not a serious journalist, I think anyone can discern that,” she said. “I wish he would’ve given me a question like that! But what are you doing wrong as a press? Let me give you a clue.”

“Asking about Joe Biden’s dog from the White House press briefing room, asking about Joe Biden’s cat, asking about what Joe Biden thinks about the color scheme on Air Force One and on day one, how it felt to walk in the oval,” she said. 

“We did not get questions like that. The question I received is, ‘Is the president glad that the south lost the civil war?’” McEnany continued. “It was that kind of inane ludicrous coverage of the Trump administration that stands in such stark contrast to what the press is doing wrong in Joe Biden’s America.”

Related: Kayleigh McEnany Shares Touching Story About Trump’s Concern For Her Baby When She Was Hired

Glenn Greenwald Weighs In

Conservatives commentator Glenn Greenwald was also disgusted by the interview.

“I’m not using hyperbole when I say the ‘interview’ that @brianstelter did with Jen Psaki yesterday should be studied in journalism school,” he wrote on Twitter. “It’s one of the most sycophantic interviews of a state official you’ll ever see. This is how state TV functions…”

This piece was written by James Samson on June 12, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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