
Mail Voting ‘Works Very, Very Well’ In Utah

Mitt Romney has defended voting by mail, saying that in Utah, the system “works very, very well,” defending recent criticisms of it by the President.

Trump: “Sorry, You Must Not Cheat In Elections”

President Donald Trump has recently slammed vote-by-mail initiatives, noting that it leads to large amounts of voter fraud, writing a number of tweets criticizing Nevada and Michigan specifically for their recent actions of pushing it.

State of Nevada ‘thinks’ that they can send out illegal vote by mail ballots, creating a great Voter Fraud scenario for the State and the U.S,” the President tweeted. “They can’t! If they do, ‘I think’ I can hold up funds to the State. Sorry, but you must not cheat in elections.”

“Michigan sends absentee ballot applications to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election,” the President said in a second tweet. “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path.”

Why Does Romney Want This System?

Speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill, Mitt Romney responded to the President’s recent comments, and defended voting by mail.

“In my state, I’ll bet 90% of us vote by mail. It works very very well and it’s a very Republican state,” he said in comments reported by ABC.

Why is Romney backing a system that is one of the most susceptible systems to voter fraud that exist? As a Brit, I know the problems with it. Pretty much all British electoral fraud comes from our postal votes system. Not only does it potentially give access to your vote to others in your household, which removes the anonymity of the secret ballot and can lead to pressuring to vote a certain way, but anyone working in the postal system also has access to your ballot when it’s on the way to be counted.

Personally, I can’t see any reason why Romney wants vote by mail to go through other than to help Joe Biden get into office. He voted to remove President Trump in his impeachment trial, but that failed, so this is therefore the next best thing!

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