Photo Of The Day By Bob Faucher

Photo By Bob Faucher
Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Ancient Survivors” by Bob Faucher. Location: Arctic National Wildlife Rescue, Alaska.
“Constant winds coming off the slopes of the Brooks Range in Alaska buffet a musk ox pair near the Smith Mountains in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve,” explains Faucher. “To include the landscape and yet not have it be a distraction from the primary subject, I waited for this dominant pair to separate from their herd, which was grazing along the near side of the gully just behind where the back and hump of the male is now obstructing the view. I wanted to have the musk oxen fill the foreground and the landscape recede into the background. To accomplish this, I made a shot with a medium length lens to capture the background and a second shot with a long telephoto of the muskoxen. The two images were composited in Photoshop. In addition, I converted the image to black and white because musk oxen aren’t particularly colorful, but the landscape is and it tends to compete for attention in a color rendition.”
Canon EOS 5D II, Canon EF 200-400mm @ 400mm, Gitzo tripod, RRS BH-55. 1/25 sec., f/16, ISO 400.
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